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I have interest and ability in mechanical design (CAD) and analysis (CAE). I have worked as the CAD engineer in Indonesia. During my master study, I worked on the CAE, especially about dynamics and mechanical vibration. I have some experience in the instability analysis of the mechanical parts and components. Right now, I work at car company in Taiwan as a CAE engineer that doing some analysis such as static, dynamic, fatigue, thermal and optimization of knuckle, disc brake, hub, drum brake and some related parts on suspension.


  • CAE Engineer Lioho Machine Works Co., Ltd. · Internship Sep 2020 – Present 4 yrs 6 mos undefined, Taoyuan City, Taiwan I worked here in the Foundry Research and Development Center of the company. My company is the casting iron manufacturing. My job is to analyse some vehicle component such as disc brake, knuckle, hub, and caliper. It consist of static analysis, thermal analysis, modal analysis, fatigue prediction, multi-body dynamic, NVH analysis, and design optimisation. I used some software like NX 12, MSC Patran, MSC Nastran, MSC March, ADAMS, Hypermesh, Hyperworks, and Abaqus. I worked there after I got master degree in Taiwan.
  • Design Egineer Yanmar Agricultural Mahinery Manufacturing Indonesia · Full-time Aug 2017 – Sep 2018 1 yrs 1 mos undefined, Indonesia I have worked at Yanmar Indonesia Company as a CAD engineer. That is Japan Agricultural Machinery Company branch in Indonesia. I joined in Research and Development Department. My job is designing the component/part of Yanmar product such as hand tractor, combine harvester, mini tiller, etc. I worked there on 2017 until 2018 (after I finished my bachelor degree)


  • National Central University, Taiwan Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering, Mechanical Dynamic and Vibration 2018 – 2020 Activities and Societies: Indonesia Student Association in Taiwan I studied in mechanical dynamic and vibration. My research here was about "Brake Squeal Analysis using Complex Eigenvalue Extraction". Here I used Siemens NX for modelling and meshing. For CAE I used MSC Patran as a pre-processing and MSC Nastran as a solver. I get that project from car company in Taiwan.
  • Bogor Agricultural University Bachelor of Science in Engineering, Agricultural and Mechanical Engineering, Cum laude 2013 – 2017 Activities and Societies: Engineering Design Club (EDC) I studied about agriculture machinery design and engineering.My research here is about "Design of Soybean Vacuum Seeder Powered by Two-Wheel Tractor". That topic is the project from Indonesia Ministry of Agriculture. I used solidwork for CAD modelling.