Global rank:
40,645 / 96,235
Skill pts: 0


I can provide 3D models & 2D drawings for existing or conceptual ideas. Together we can bring your ideas from the back of the napkin to a tangible 3D printed model. I specialize in mechanical/structural objects and not characters or animation.Pricing is baseline, I do ask that before any purchases are made you provide your projects information and your expectations for review. My goal is to get you what you want, when you want it so up front communication is key to avoid any delays and/or aggravation for us both. Specialize in electric transmission, distribution and sub-station structural designs.

3D modeling, 2D drawings, 3D models ready for 3D printing, 3D printed models, Prototypes


  • Design Detailer Pelco Structural, LLC · Full-time Jan 2011 – Dec 2014 3 yrs 11 mos Claremore, OK, United States • Review customer specification along with engineering PLS data. Build Solid work models to represent designs from customer and data from engineering. Creating customer and shop drawings in SolidWorks. Extensive use of design tables and table-driven parts, sub/main assemblies. Creating packing list, bills of materials and material order optimization for use during and after manufacturing. Reviewing, checking and approving department drawings, packing lists, bills of materials and material order optimization for issue.
    • Assisted in the transition from Autodesk CAD to Solidworks and worked with engineering and systems engineers to help determine the best way to represent our product in the new platform so that it would efficiently transfer from solid model to real product on the shop floor.


  • Rogers State University A.A.S. in Applied Technology , Computer Science, Economics, and Management 2011 – 2014
  • Northeast Technology Center Computer Aided Manufacturing, Computer Aided Manufacturing/ Manual & CNC Machining Technician 2009 – 2011