Global rank:
7,001 / 94,767
Skill pts: 5


My great strength has been the development of creativity and visualization of ideas, together with my skills obtained from experience in manufacturing, construction of multiple geometries for the food industry, Mining, architecture and Metal fabrication.
My disadvantage is always wanting to maintain mass manufacturing patterns that struggle with the architect profile, achieving a balance between fantasy and reality.

3D Models


  • Jefe de Diseño en fabrica de estructuras. Triton Metalmecánica.Global Trading · Full-time Jan 2014 – Present 11 yrs 2 mos undefined, Panama Design control and reverse engineering of existing geometries, developing three-dimensional bim models for manufacturing.


  • Universidad de Panama ARQUITECTO, Licentura en Arquitectura, Parcial 2004 – 2010
  • SoftNet autodesk certificate, AutodeskInventorPro, Profesional de Campo 2006 – 2007
  • Universidad de Panamá Tecnico en edificaciones, Arquitectura 2000 – 2003
  • INADE Ebanista, Ebanisteria y Muebles 1997 – 1999