Global rank:
44,791 / 95,239
Skill pts: 0


Gd&t, Sheet Metal, Asme Y14.5,Bill Of Materials, Solidworks, PDM/PLM, CAD, Quality Inspection, Team Player, Testing, Documentation(ECO/ECR/ECN, Mechanical Drawings(2D), Test Procedures, Design For Manufacturability, Lean Six Sigma Tools, Reverse Engineering, Project Management, Problem Solving, Decision Making, good communication, Pro-engineer, 3d Printing, Team Player, Siemens Nx, Ptc Creo, Autocad, Matlab, Ansys, DFMEA, C++


  • Mecchanical Design Engineer AJ's Power Source, Inc. · Full-time Sep 2018 – Jun 2021 2 yrs 9 mos Land O' Lakes, FL, United States 1. 3D modelling (Top Assembly and Wire Harness) of Power Systems such as UPS, Backplanes, PDU's, Cable Assembly, according to MIL-STD (military standards),
    2. Geometric Dimensioning & Tolerances (GD&T) for sheet metal parts on 2D drawings as per ASME Y14.5,
    3. Generating Bill of Materials (BOM) for sheet metal parts including all other electrical parts like power supply, inverters, batteries, etc. using Solidworks PDM,
    4. Designing of electric circuit boards with components such as resistors, capacitors, etc. in CAD using P-CAD viewer as reference for schematic and components on board,
    5. Quality inspection of sheet metal parts and wire harness manufactured according to latest revision on drawing and as per AS9100 by different suppliers,
    6. Utilize engineering knowledge to solve problems and provide guidance to Assembly Team and Production Team and providing necessary equipment's like test cables and 3D printed fixtures necessary for testing and assembling of
    7. Documentation of Mechanical drawings, test procedures, ECO's and ECN's for products, continuously updating and organizing records.


  • University of South Florida Master, Mechanical Engineering, 3.33/4.0 2016 – 2018 Activities and Societies: Batminton Club Design & Manufacturing (concentration)
  • University of Pune Bachelor , Mechaical Engineering 2011 – 2015

Other experience

  • Automotive technician Design of fabricated components for old car parts.
    Using Advanced lean six sigma tools to measure the root cause, prioritizing the work schedule and improving the maintenance operations.

Licenses & Certifications

  • Autodesk CAD/CAM/CAE for Mechanical Engineering Coursera Apr 2021 – Present See credential