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3D Commercial Rendering 3D Construction Rendering 3D Exterior Rendering 3D Floor Plan Rendering 3D Furniture Modeling 3D Home Rendering 3D Interior Rendering Design 3D Real Estate Rendering 3D Rendering 3D Visualization 3ds Max API Adobe Photoshop ArchiCAD Architectural Design AutoCAD CAD Design Interior Design Rendering


If you want to come across professional interior design projects (as a customer, or just interested in the site - it does not matter), then you have probably seen an amazing item in the list of services - 3D visualization.

What is behind this Anglo-Ukrainian term? Why do designers so zealously offer this service to customers? Do you need it at all, or is it a way to lure more money?

3D visualization is what it is

It is essentially a kind of modern computer graphics. The tool allows you to create three-dimensional models. And it's not just about the interiors of living spaces, but about any model in general. But we are interested in the architectural projects themselves.

Professional software is used for 3D visualization - from the well-known 3D Max to the "scheduler" developed by IKEA. The result of rendering is a three-dimensional picture of maximum realism.

3D visualization is an opportunity to touch the future of the interior, to see the designer's idea in the smallest detail. All services are included in the architectural design package.

3D visualization capabilities:

Drawing of different types of buildings (residential, industrial and business facilities, parks, infrastructure). This is a graphic representation of the exterior of the building. This is extremely useful if you are going to build your own house or do quality landscaping on the site.
Interior of premises (apartments, cafes, restaurants, offices). What the room will look like from the inside.
Furniture, decor, accessories. 3D visualization allows you to decorate the interior to the smallest detail. Literally - every smallest element can be painted and seen "alive".
Advantages of 3D visualization

Now let's talk about why we recommend this service to customers:

The effect of presence. As we have already said, you can "immerse" yourself in the project. Before your eyes will not be a solid drawing and plans, but a practical real space that can be changed and redesigned to your liking.
Additional effects. 3D visualization allows you to build natural interior lighting (not artificial). And if it is a question of a personal plot - look at design in various weather conditions.
Cost. We have an adequate price for visualization. The benefits of this service far outweigh the costs.
Editable. Fixing 3D projects is quite a complex and time consuming process (if you want to get quality work). But it is still easier than redrawing sketches, watercolors and other products of "hand" techniques. If you have the patience and budget, our specialists will change the visualization of the design until the perfect option is found.
As our practice, there is another advantage.

3D visualization allows the designer and the customer, ie us and you, to quickly find a common language. No special knowledge is required to accept a three-dimensional picture. With this tool you become a direct co-author of your own space.

Touch the future with Galeon Proekt


  • Lviv State University of Internal Affairs master, Management of organizations and administration 2014 – 2019
  • Institute of Architecture and Design master, DOA Department of Design and Fundamentals of Architecture 2008 – 2013