Mechanical Engineering student with Solidworks, Ansys Discovery Live and Adams experience
I have been using Solidworks, Blender, Ansys Discovery Live and Adams for modeling and simulation of robots of team Nepal taking part in ABU Robocon since 2018.
Industrial designer, 3D artist, programmer, music producer, writer, and upcoming mechanical engineer
United States
I am a talented and enthusiastic new and upcoming mechanical engineer offering exceptional technical skills who yearns to grow and obtain relevant experience. I provide a...
Certified Prosthetist and orthotist with digital fabrication skills, 3D printing orthotic and prosthetic, preference - Blender, Meshmixer, Fusion360,FreeCAD
General Design, CAD Design & Autodesk Maya Designer
Hong Kong
I'm just an aspiring designer who makes things for fun and for friends to mess around with! I may be young in comparison to most 3D designers but I enjoy every minute in Maya -...
Hi, I'm Mohd Saqib Siddiqui, a Civil Engineer Cum Freelance CAD Designer
🛠️ About Me: I'm a passionate and experienced CAD designer with a strong track record of turning ideas...