Senior Product Developmet Engineer
Ranovus Inc. · Full-time
Aug 2021 –
3 yrs 7 mos Ottawa, ON, Canada
• Subject Matter expert in thermal and mechanical FEA simulations for opto-electronic devices and components
• Responsible for product configuration management and maintenance of BOM, including product planning for transfer
of complex R&D projects through to production
• Act as a mentor/informal trainer to junior engineers and technicians
• Design of alignment stations, defining the jigging and tooling requirements for manufacturing of integrated photonics and co-packaged electronics-optics
• Finite Element modeling and simulation using ANSYS for optimizing the design and process parameters with an aim reduce the testing time and effort
• Process development and optimization involving epoxy dispense, wire bonding, flip chip, fiber alignment and attach, lens attach, laser alignment and integration etc.
• Translation of product requirements into mechanical specifications and creating build standards for new products
• Component and assembly level design including precision optical mounts, kinematic mounting, vacuum design, thermal
management, tooling design, ruggedization, serviceability, and adherence to MIL-spec.
• Assure product and process quality by designing testing methods; testing finished goods and process capabilities; establishing standards; confirming manufacturing processes.
• Prepare & provide training to contract manufacturing production personnel at Ranovus and/or CM.
• Support for R&D Alpha/Beta builds, lead NPI roll-out, and support mass production post GA
Opto Mechanical Engineer
Allegiant 3D Inc · Self-employed
Oct 2020 –
4 yrs 5 mos Montreal, QC, Canada
• Responsible for package and product risk assessment. mitigation plans, and establishing best known processes methodology to ensure robust package quality, reliability, cost, and manufacturability
• Interfaced and efficiently negotiated across engineering teams to balance performance needs, schedule commitment, trade-offs, and constraints to product cost and performance
• Coordinated with process engineers, and contract manufacturers to ensure manufacturability and process flow
• Reliability evaluation of optical and laser packages used in Aerospace, Automotive, Defense, Telecom, etc.
• Performed fiber characterization studies to establish best practices for fiber mounting in microelectronic packages
• Generated Mechanical-Thermal-Structural FEA models to optimize the performance of optical modules
• Ruggedized and athermal design of thermal expansion sensitive opto-mechanical and laser packages
• Generated FEA process model for optical fiber sealing with and without metallization for hermetic packages
• Designed and developed fiber optic inspection equipment according to the TIA standards
• Developed designs of components for thermal, shock, structural, form/fit, and function requirements
Mechanical Engineer
ADVA · Full-time
May 2019 –
Jul 2020
1 yrs 2 mos Ottawa, ON, Canada
• Designed, developed, and integrated advanced electronic and optical transceivers, instruments, and components
• Estimated the costs involved in procurement of raw material, equipment, and contractor pricing to develop various test stations, jigs, and fixtures for ensuring productivity, quality, reliability of final product
• Performed characterization studies to determine critical areas of improvement in the process development
• Conducted FEA and CFD on a variety of optical transceivers modules to study the behavior in a virtual environment
• Designed and developed the alignment and positioning system essential for optical module (IC-TROSA) assembly by using 3D mechanical CAD tools, kept as a Trade Secret
• Developed numerous Pickup/Drop-off tools using metal machining, die casting, and sheet metal for manipulation of small sized optical and electronic components to be used in production and assembly lines
• Developed processes and documented the procedures for epoxy/adhesive application and UV curing technique for product packaging by using statistical process control, experimentation, and Lean manufacturing principles
University of Ottawa
2018 – 2020
Licenses & Certifications
Certified SOLIDWORKS Professional
Dassault system
May 2021 –
See credential