
I am a professional 3D CAD Modeling and Visualization expert. I have been working for product research and development industry for 4 years + 2 years of own product service agency experience. I will surely turn your rough product concept into the master piece of art through my CAD expertise.


  • Mechanical Design Engineer Dawlance Pvt. Ltd. (Arcelik) · Full-time Apr 2023 – Present 1 yrs 11 mos undefined, Pakistan Designed refrigerator structural components with optimized heating conductivity by analyzing cladding material properties. Devised a smart manufacturing process plan in order to material waste and carbon emission. Planned process improvement procedures for molding and casting processes.


  • NED University of Engg & Tech Karachi Bachelor's of Engineering, Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering, 3.724/4 2018 – 2022 Activities and Societies: -Marketing Coordinator at SME-NED Chapter -Promotion Coordinator at The NEDians Forum -Event Director at Technovist SME-NED Technical Visits: -HinoPak-Toyota (Research visit for assembly line analysis and validation) -Pak Suzuki (Validation of automated manufacturing cells in the facility) -AB Foods -Allied Engineering (Line balancing analysis and rectification of design problems) -Karachi Tools Dies and Moulds Centre (CAD Modeling of tools and moulds) -Artistic Milliners (Unit 5) -Lucky Textile Working Experience in NED: Mechanical Design and Fabrication Engineer (Formula Electric NED - Pakistan's 2nd and NED's 1st Electric Car manufacturers). Participated in FSAE Australasia 2020 and got 6th overall position in Design event. Participated in: -IoT WORKSHOP (Mindstorm Engineering Corporation) -DIGITAL GAMING (Technovist Competition SME-NED Chapter) -CAD DESIGNING EVENT (ASME NED Technical Week) Major Fields:
    -Engineering Drafting
    -Computer-Aided Engineering Design
    -Tool Design
    -Advanced Manufacturing Processes
    -Production Management
    -Operation Research
    -Applied Thermo-fluids