Global rank:
62,573 / 95,237
Skill pts: 0


As a proficient user of AutoCAD, Sketchup, and Revit, I am skilled at transforming CAD designs into accurate and visually appealing 3D models. My attention to detail and understanding of design principles allow me to create models that are not only aesthetically pleasing but also optimized for manufacturing processes and user experience.

I have a proven track record of collaborating effectively with cross-functional teams and delivering high-quality results within tight deadlines. I am confident that my ability to interpret technical drawings and communicate with engineers and stakeholders will contribute to the seamless integration of 3D models into your product development process.


  • Junior Architect G3 · Full-time Apr 2023 – Present 1 yrs 11 mos undefined, Philippines

Licenses & Certifications

  • Architect Licence PRC Apr 2023 – Present
  • Architect Licence PRC Apr 2023 – Present