Global rank:
83,334 / 94,838
Skill pts: 0
2D & 3D CAD Design 2D & 3D Modeling Solidworks 2D AutoCAD 2D Drafting 2D Drafting and 3D Modeling 2D Manufacturing Drawings 2D Sheet Metal Design 2D/3D AutoCAD 3D Mechanical Assembly 3D Product Design 3D Sheet Metal Design AutoCAD Autodesk Inventor Autodesk Inventor iAssembly CAD Design Drafting Mechanical Design PTC Creo Parametric


I'm a mechanical Design background with 4 years automobile engineering experience and 4 years mechanical Design and drafting experience.
I completed the design of Incinerator plant design and drafting with US based company's


  • Design Engineer Caresoft global private limited · Full-time Apr 2023 – Present 1 yrs 11 mos Coimbatore, TN, India Performed in 3D Modeling and 2D drawing creation activities in Part design, Assembly, Sheet
    Metal, Plastic, Casting, and machining.
    ➢ Evaluates design changes, specifications, quality check and release and deliver on date. Post
    delivered projects further any scope changes or additions, Discussing and understanding the scope
    modifying the updates as per customer expectations.
    ➢ Develop and detailing of drawings for fabrication and machining with GD&T reference as per
    standards (ASME Y 14.5)
    ➢ Coordinating team members arrange meeting and discussing customer feedbacks and detailing
    project work plan
  • Design Engineer MAK India Limited · Full-time Sep 2015 – Mar 2023 7 yrs 6 mos Coimbatore, TN, India Create 3D cad model (Product Design, Sheet Metal & Conceptual Drawings)
    ➢ Assembling machining and sheet metal components, Drafting
    ➢ BOM Preparation
    ➢ Problem solving, apply new ideas on existing designs
    ➢ Trained cad operators in drafting practices, welding standards, ducting design, mechanical &
    structural familiarization.
    ➢ Collaborate with engineers from various disciplines, including electrical, software, and
    manufacturing, to integrate systems and components seamlessly.
    ➢ Investigated record past failure analysis to try and determine the root cause.
    ➢ Experience in designing on Shredder machine, Customized sheet metal valves, Air circulation duct,
    Air preheaters, Structural steel frames, Vibrator table, Sheet metal concrete mold.
    ➢ Experience in designing on Incinerator plant, Chemical reacting plant.
  • Automobile Engineer ABT Maruti · Full-time Apr 2015 – Nov 2019 4 yrs 7 mos Pollachi, TN, India Experience in Synchronizer gear box handling
    ➢ Experience in removing and assembling of VVT & DDIS Engines
    ➢ Experience in solving issues for vehicle AC
    ➢ Meet with client and customers to review product specifications and define project scopes of work
    ➢ Experience in Wheel alignment and Wheel balancing
    ➢ Oversee installation, operation, and maintenance of Car Machineries
    ➢ Experience in solving issues of vehicle electricals
    ➢ Complete top level exam on SSQS in MARUTI SUZUKI at Chennai.


  • Kathir College of engineering Bachalor of Mechanical Engineering, Mechanical, B 2012 – 2015 Activities and Societies: null
  • N.V polytechnic college Diploma in Mechanical engineering, Mechanical, 89% 2009 – 2012

Licenses & Certifications

  • Diploma in Product Design CADD CENTER Apr 2019 – Present