Global rank:
7,298 / 85,306
Skill pts: 5


I can make advanced designs professionally in Autodesk Inventor. I have experience with Catia and Solidworks. My goal is to make the machines I design cost-effective, easy to produce, and to fulfill the customer's special requests in my machine. Cataphoresis Feed line. I designed belt systems and chain systems for seed processing facilities, textile industry, automotive industry, mold manufacturing and product transportation.

3D Models


  • Proje Yöneticisi Dm Dinamik Mühendislik · Full-time Jun 2024 – Present 3 mos Ürünlü, Bursa, Türkiye I have 1 year of experience as a manufacturing project manager in a project company.
    I worked on manufacturable drawings, customer-specific machine designs and management of manufacturing processes.


  • Balıkesir Üniversitesi LİSANS, makine mühendisi 2019 – 2023

Other experience

  • Project Engineer
  • Inventor professional
  • Machine construction