Global rank:
84,964 / 94,910
Skill pts: 0


For over 4 years I have worked full time as a Sr. Design Specialist in the construction industry. I have experience with metal framing, MCM panels, layouts, details, and the following software:
Rhino 3D
Chief Architect
Solid Works


  • Sr. Design Specialist MillerClapperton · Full-time Jun 2020 – Present 4 yrs 9 mos Austell, GA, United States As a Sr. Design Specialist, I use my expertise to create 3D models, layouts, and details using architectural plans using Rhino 3D. We specialize in MCM, HPL, FCP, and PSS panels. I also supervise Jr. Senior Designers and help them with their projects and schedules.
  • Designer Superior Recreational Products · Full-time Oct 2018 – Jun 2020 1 yrs 8 mos Carrollton, GA, United States I used AutoCAD to create custom playgrounds for our customers. I've designed playgrounds for companies ranging from public playgrounds to restaurants to military housing facilities.

    I also attained CPSI certification.


  • Mississippi Valley State University Bachelor of Science, Engineering Technology & Technology Management 2014 – 2017 Activities and Societies: Sigma Alpha Pi National Honor Society Golden Key National Honor Society Recipient of Lerron James Automotive Scholarship for being in the top 3% of my class

Licenses & Certifications

  • Cirtified Playground Safety Inspector National Recreation and Park Association Jan 2020 – Present