Global rank:
34,393 / 96,010
Skill pts: 0


A mechanical engineer, with an exceptional understanding of mechanical design concepts, and excellent skills in engineering, simulation, and CAD software.


  • Product Design Engineer (R&D) NanoLab @ German Jordanian University · Full-time Nov 2019 – May 2020 6 mos undefined, Jordan -Design and build the prototype for new blood analyzing device by working with a team of engineers.

    -Design and create the CAD models, create manufacturing sheets and quantity tables, and supervise the manufacturing and assembly processes.

    -Enhance the design to meet commercial product requirements to be more reliable and attractive.

    -Create animations and illustrative material for the product.

    -Fabricate the required components and consumables for the device using milling and engraving CNC machines and a laser cutter.


  • The university of jordan Bachelor's degree, Mechanical Engineering, 3.34 (Very Good) 2015 – 2020