Global rank:
4,593 / 94,912
Skill pts: 6


I'm a high school student from California with 6 years of design experience looking to help transform your ideas into CAD. I design with Solidworks and am the Director Of Design on my school's FRC robotics team. Each year we design and build a 125lb robot and it is my job to direct this process. I have certified my abilities with the CSWP and CSWA exams which establish my ability as professional grade


  • Director of Design First Robotics · Part-time Jan 2017 – Present 8 yrs 2 mos San Diego, CA, United States This "job" of mine is the high school robotics team that I took part in leading and putting upwards of 30 hours per week into on top of regular academics and athletics. For this job, I was in charge of directing the design process for our team of 70 students, and taking the brunt of the CAD work in developing a 125lb robot.

Licenses & Certifications

  • Certified Solidworks Professional 3D Experience Certification Center Jun 2020 – Present See credential