Global rank:
8,443 / 94,912
Skill pts: 1


Im 20 years old.Im currently a student at Academy IDT studying multifunctional draughting.I use Autodesk software (Solidworks,Autocad,Revit).
I would say out of personal experience that Im good at civil draughting,Architectural draughting and also 3D modeling.I have a great passion for Architecture since highschool thats why I have decided to start freelancing to build my portfolio.I also love designing andI love working with people.With this skill set I think that I'll be your perfect candidate for the job.Im fast,accurate and never miss a deadline.


  • Academy IDT Multifunctional draughting, Draughtsmanship, N5 2020 – 2020 Activities and Societies: 3D modeling I study multifunctional draughting (Civil,Mechanical,Piping,Structural,Electrical and Architectural) on an International level.