Global rank:
40,145 / 96,235
Skill pts: 0


1) Worked in a formula student team where I picked up various designing skills and learned various designing tools.
2) Worked in a robotic company where got an hands on experience in creo and gained proficiency in sheet metal design.
3)Appeared for various certification exam of solidworks and solidedge and got professional certificate for the same.


  • DESIGN ENGINEER Bharati Robotic Systems · Apprenticeship Nov 2020 – Apr 2021 5 mos Pune, MH, India Worked in the mechanical design team and worked on the CAD software CREO and got proficiency in 3d modelling and sheet metal designs
  • Design Engineer Robotron Labs · Internship Jan 2020 – Jul 2020 6 mos Mumbai, MH, India 1) Designed various components for a robot using SolidWorks.
    2) Designed various components for an advanced lock system and made 3d printed file for the same.


  • K.J. Somaiya College of Engineering. BTCH, MECHANICAL ENGINEERING, 7.7/10 2016 – 2020 Activities and Societies: Orion Racing India Worked as a composite design and manufacturing engineer and developed bodywork for a formula style racecar