
With over 25 years of experience I have obtained a wide breath of capabilities, or market proven skills. Which include, process development, motion control theory & architecture, certified Geometric dimensioning and tolerancing, Finite Element Analysis (FEA) static & dynamic, sheetmetal design, plastic molding (injection, compression, etc..), composite structure design, precision machining of various materials, thermal dynamics, pneumatics, motor design, automated systems development, lower level robotics development, small & large mechanism design, optical mechanical interfaces, test platforms, manufacturing fixtures and tools. All designs I have produced normally are prototyped by me and tested for design verification.

For over 15 years I have used CAD software to model all designs, to ensuring integration, and data retention. The CAD system I employ currently use is Solidworks but I have experience with wide range of systems making interpolating between systems seamless. My experience also has touched on various arenas, military, semiconductor, electronic packaging, automation, security, photonics, and machine design this has prepared me to handle the large majority of mechanical design needs.

Specialties: Machine design, product development, 3d Solid modeling, large mechanism, small mechanism, Solidworks, Automation, Sheetmetal design, CNC part design, Conceptual design, Team building, project planning, project management, Plastic part design, precision location design, Manufacturing tooling, Cost reduction, Training, product demonstrations, customer relationships, Site survey's, government contract's, and engineering sales.


  • Chief Design Engineer FAS Design LLC · Self-employed Jun 2014 – Present 10 yrs 9 mos Sanford, FL, United States Product design/New Product development, Technical Support for Millimeter wave security systems,Training, and on-site installation. Additional services include project management, product designverification testing, product feasibility testing.
  • Mechanical Engineering Manager Microsemi · Full-time May 2008 – Jul 2014 6 yrs 2 mos Lake Mary, FL, United States Product development, all aspects of system integration and application. Completed conceptual design on all currently sold product at Brijot. Responsible for all new product design, prototyping, and transition to manufacturing.
    Interfaced with marketing to develop product launch goals, helped create content, and train sale force.
    Interfaced with customers completing train in various countries around the world, performsdemonstrations of products as well as presentations discussing the phenomenology of our coretechnology determining each customers concept of operations and quickly reacting to provide standardand custom solutions to fit their dynamic needs. Government proposal writing and contract bidding contributions.Inventor of several company owned patents.
    Managed Mechanical engineering team, resources task and budget. Leadership role for senior and junior engineers of all disciplines.
  • Mechanical Engineering Manager Controlled Semi-Conductor · Full-time Sep 2004 – May 2008 3 yrs 8 mos Orlando, FL, United States Product development, concept to production of three of the four products developed by ControlledSemiconductor
    Manage Mechanical Engineering, design, research, develop schedules, and interface with productionfloor to ensure assembly builds Designed the current mask repair tool that this company has in Japan, which is performing now in Japan to with-in 100 nanometers accuracy 30 nm stability. This machine delivers a femtosecond laserbeam thru an objective to repair LCD circuitry, which requires nanometer resolution. This machine isable to load, nest and repair and quartz LCD mask up to 2000 mm x 1800 mm x15 mm thk.
    Designed entire machine from enclosure to frame, and all controls using Solid Works
    Managed a senior level engineer and a junior engineer of other backend products as well as working onthe the applications and IP generation. Developed process for CVD( chemical vapor deposition) Laser alignment and optical design, training in laser fundamentals. Other responsibilities include budget, schedule, reviews, goals, customer presentation, and traveling toJapan and other Asian Countries for support and logistics
  • Senior Mechanical Designer Control Laser Corporation · Full-time Aug 2003 – Sep 2004 1 yrs 1 mos Orlando, FL, United States Design semi automatic laser engraving stations
  • Lead Engineer Gentex West Corporation · Full-time Apr 2001 – Aug 2003 2 yrs 4 mos Ontario, CA, United States Integration design using Ideas master series 8 as well as Solid Works 2003
    Managing junior engineers, projects, and government proposal efforts. Testing of flow vs. pressuredrop. Mechanism design, Test systems design. Designing helmets, valves, springs, hoses manifolds,and manside components for aircraft respiratory systems, chemical protection, and ground protection ofworldwide military services. Design, detail, prototype, and testing. Using rubber, plastics, and adhesivesmetals. Current work includes automation of electro/pneumatic test panel.
    Patented a butterfly spring valve used by the Canadian Air force. Was IPT lead for Joint ServicesAircrew Mask development program (JSAM). Designed and Qualified by testing and developeddocumentation for Self contained Air source (SCAS) currently being sold to USAF. Modeled andreverse engineered the MBU-20P hard-shell form a composite lay-up to and Liquid Injection plasticmolded shell. Using SolidWorks starting with a IGES file without the surfacing GEOWORKS package.This was later introduced to complete the project. SLA prototyping experience, Lab breadboardexperience (developing prototypes in the lab environment)
  • lead meachanical engineer Torrey Pines Research · Full-time Oct 2000 – Apr 2001 6 mos San Diego, CA, United States In charge of two subsystems with an overall project design
    Responsible for integration, design, detailing, purchasing, and prototyping
    Using Solid Works as a design tool in this task. Spec's for entire drive train, i.e.... motor size ratio,system timing, power consumption, torque req.'s.
    Customer interaction and service
    Design work consisted of developing a copier I was in charge of moving the photos to the stacker eachphoto needed to be stamped with the date and time then stacked this would have to be done to sizes2x3 - 11 x 17. This required development of drive train to turn rollers and control speed. Each picturewould have to be straight for stacking as well located for stamping
    Sheetmetal, Rubber design, COTS motor integration pulleys and gears ratios
  • Senior Mechanical Engineer silicon valley group · Full-time Jan 2000 – Sep 2000 8 mos San Jose, CA, United States Advance engineering product development
    Semiconductor wafer processes, robotic applications which include total project design control andpresentation for review
    Manage OEM relations and writing new calibration procedures for processes and designs
    Implementation of new CAD software and process to manufacturing
    Manage network and personnel using network
    Manage drafters/designers and other teams members in process of project management
    Relocated to Southern California to purchase home because cost of living became un-reasonable


  • San Jose State University Mechanical engeenering, Mechanical Engineering 1991 – 1993
  • De Anza Mechanical Design, Mechanical Design, 3.4 1990 – 1991