Global rank:
4,782 / 96,274
Skill pts: 6


I am highly proficient in AutoCAD, UG-NX/CATIA/SolidWorks, and Inventor as well as other 3D modeling software packages. My knowledge of these tools enables me to create accurate designs that meet customer requirements on time and within budget constraints.

3D Models


  • Design engineer Robert Bosch Software Solution · Full-time May 2022 – Present 2 yrs 10 mos Bengaluru, KA, India Design and Development of Casting models for various
    parts at Diesel /PetroI Fuel filter and Various Plastic Parts
    Including ECR changes
    •Creating Remastering of Various 3D models of Plastic
    and Casting components of Various Diesel/Petrol fuel
    filter sub assembly / Assembly different elements and
    drafting of 2D drawings in team centre
    •Design of Poke yoke for different filters, Stack up analysis
    of various assembly parts and weight reduction of
    various casting part and Plastic Product para for better
    optimization of product.
    •Design of Conceptional and Innovation projects 3D
    model 2D drawings including basic Engineering
    •Experience of VAVE for product design weight reduction,
    Change of material or manufacturing process.
    •Attaining DFMEA, Brainstorming meetings of different
    products and Exciting the Design Input for the new
    product/Proven products
    •Surface Design and Wireframe models of Various parts
  • Design Engineer Kirloskar group · Full-time Feb 2021 – Apr 2023 2 yrs 2 mos Hosapete, KA, India Extracting the cores Models, Designing the mould
    (scheme method), and deriving the process flow for the
    casting model.
    •Designing the casting model by enumerating the various
    allowances and getting approved by the customer
    including vertical patterns for various tooling's for better
    optimization and productivity.
    •Design of final core setting fixture, checking fixtures and
    gauges as per process flow requirements.
    •Design of various core box washing tackles, and grippe
    for various core packages with detailed Drawings for the
    mould scheme, tools, fixtures, tackles, and grippers.
    •Design and calculation of gating system for different
    cavities in order to improve the yield of the castings &
    the tooling trials GEMBA points and Ramp-up of various
    tooling’s and technical assistant to pattern shop teams
    over the design.
    •Attaining customer meeting and getting feedback /
    Resolving customer complaint including if any ECR note
    (Engineering change request) activities for the project.
    •Corrections of various parameter Design parameter from
    the In- House activities and VAVE weight reduction
    optimization of the different engine bead and Housing
    cast projects. Such an EICHER, VOLVO, DIAMBLER, JCB,
  • Design Engineer Pragati Engineering PVT LTD · Full-time May 2018 – Dec 2020 2 yrs 7 mos Belagavi, KA, India •Design and Developed of New Product HSPCH chuck
    body (High Speed Power) Model for different models its
    part drawing, assembly drawing Production drawing and
    Material Selection including customer interaction Stack
    up Analysis.
    •Design and developed SQPT Product (Square Tool Post)
    with different models its part drawing, assembly drawing
    Production drawing and Material Selection including
    customer interaction.
    •Developed of ATC (Automatic Tool Changer), BTP
    (Bidirectional Tool Changer}, HTP (Hydraulic Tool Post),
    VTP (Vertical Tool Post]
    •Design of CNC Cutting Tools for the Tool room machines
    and defining the manufacturing process
    Design and develop receiving gauges for different
    •Analysis of various automaton projects for optimization
    and cost reduction including to communicate with
    customer complaint for ECR changes.
    •Responsible to define SOP of manufacturing process of
    individual parts to obtain the final finish product and
    •Technical discussions with team stack up analysis,
    material selection and technical assistant to production.
  • Design Engineer Santo Engineer Co PVT LTD · Full-time May 2017 – Apr 2018 11 mos Umargam, GJ, India Andritz Hydro Project, which included welding joints and
    •Design and Fabrications drawings and procedures for
    the Toshiba Spiral, Casing project, Indian rail way Boogie
    Blaster and Boogie
    •Developed for the In-house Process drawings and final
    Drawings & & Handled WPS and PQR process in welding
    design of different types of joints in welding and process
    flow of welding types and welding symbols.
    •Identify, develop and define the type of welding joint in
    for different projects
    •Design of 3D model of various hydraulic project and
    drafting of 2D Fabrication drawing type of joint Leg
    length throat length & Leaser cutting Drawings
    •Design and developed fabrications drawings for
    Hydraulic turbine and Spiral casing.


  • Appa college of Engineering BE, Mechnical Engineering, 7.2 2013 – 2017
  • Sai Nath PU College of Science Science, PUC, 6.4 2011 – 2013 Activities and Societies: null
  • Saint Ambrose Convent School SSLC, SSLC, 6.4 2000 – 2010