Global rank:
51,685 / 93,814
Skill pts: 0


I am a structural and civil engineer. I have 4 years experience. I graduated BNTU in 2019. I work on analysis and modeling industrial building, separated elements and other structures. I can make 2D drawings in AutoCAD and 3D models in Tekla, Revit, Advance Steel.


  • Civil and Structural Engineer ENECA · Full-time Nov 2018 – Present 6 yrs 3 mos Minsk, Minsk Region, Belarus I made general and detail drawings in AutoCAD, Tekla Sturcture, Revit and Advance Steel. I was making 3D models in these programms. I analysed separated structures (WQ beam, truss, perforated beams, connections etc. ) and entire building (cable racks, industrial buildings and other metal and concrete structures)


  • BNTU Bacalaureate diploma, civil engineering 2014 – 2019