Global rank:
59,092 / 93,429
Skill pts: 0


With a creative flair, a problem solver and self-taught person. I am always eager for knowledge and up for new challenges.
​Proactive to support my colleagues with their needs.
The solid professional background aligned with multi-disciplinary skills are features to be highlighted which also will bring up the flexibility towards different roles and still keep the work quality at the professional level.

As many other designers and creative minded people, I also enjoy several things like playing musical instruments, painting, drawing, sculpture from old school to hi-tech. I also love learning different languages which is a very helpful hobby.
I always commit myself to do my best and deliver my job at all costs.
I am always looking forward to explore new endeavours and challenges in my next role.


Joined: March 23, 2023

Last seen: June 20, 2023


English Full professional proficiency

Portuguese Native or bilingual proficiency

Italian Elementary proficiency

Spanish Elementary proficiency


London, England, United Kingdom