I'm a mechanical designer in the metal fabrication industry, I have experience in designing steel products from heavy duty trailers to steel shipping containers.
With 6 years of Autodesk Inventor Experience I can help you:
- Create production drawings
- Convert 2d drawings to 3d
- Make your existing drawings compatible with flat sheet or tube laser cutting
- Create Parts compatible with 3d Printing
- Design a new product
3D Models
Junior Mechanical Designer
Brunswick Steel · Full-time
Jan 2023 –
2 yrs 2 mos
Winnipeg, MB, Canada
* Designed packaging solutions for customers to efficiently ship their products and flow through their facility.
* Worked with customers to identify their needs and design requirements.
* Oversaw the commissioning of a BLM tube laser.
* Helped with trouble shooting problems with tube laser.
* Designed parts and created CAM programs for tube laser.
* Developed the processes and systems required to operate the tube laser.
* Created go no go jigs to insure parts are properly created for customers.
* Created components for the factory to increase production efficiency.
BWS Manufacturing · Full-time
Feb 2021 –
Jan 2023
1 yrs 11 mos
Centreville, NB, Canada
* Produced trailer drawings for production as per customer’s specifications.
* Oversaw the production of the trailers from start to finish.
* Improved the efficiency of manufacturing tag-along trailer by remodeling the beams to suite robotic plasma cutting.
* Over saw the implementation of plasma cut beams throw-out the company.
* Created work instructions for customers so they can replace or add components to their trailers.
* Documented the building process of trailers and created work instructions.
* Constantly brought updates to the models to improve efficiency.
* Oversaw and helped with multidepartment projects.
Makerspace technician
Lakehead University · Part-time
Jul 2018 –
Jun 2020
1 yrs 11 mos
Thunder Bay, ON, Canada
* Conducted proper maintenance of makerspace equipment.
* Developed and ran the makerspace orientation workshops.
* Approved print jobs and assist users in locating suitable print designs.
* Created 3D designs for printing.
* Assisted instructors with incorporating the makerspace into their courses.
* Created and keep up to date instructions for 3D printers, 3D scanner and virtual reality system.
Lakehead University
Mechanical Engineeiring, Mechanical Enginnering
2016 – 2021
Other experience
Open-Source N95 Quality Reusable Mask and Components
Project website: www.modularmask.com
* Designed mask components using inventor and SolidWorks.
* Prototyped mask and components using a 3D printer.