Global rank:
6,169 / 95,237
Skill pts: 5
2D CAD Drafting 2D and 3D CAD Design 3D CAD Assemblies & Parts Autodesk Fusion 360 CAD Design


Love the challenge of solving problems and hope to leave the world a better place.
While at powder river I converted a double end notcher to also notch square tubing. Also solved various problems and helped streamline production.
5 years experience with Inventor.
Mechanically inclined.
Can work with any tolerances required.

Design Entries

Private project
Private project


  • CAD/CAM Techincian Powder River · Full-time Jun 2022 – Jul 2023 1 yrs 1 mos Provo, UT, United States 1 year experience at powder river programming trumpf flat lasers tube laser and press breaks.
    Modeled new notch designs and modeled the new notch heads that were machined by an outside company. Also converted a double end notcher to accept square tubes.


  • Southern Utah University N/A, CAD 2021 – 2022 Activities and Societies: Worked in engineering lab, made a guitar and completed various other projects.
  • ALC High School, Engineering CAD, null 2016 – 2020 Activities and Societies: Engineering Capstone course ALC (advanced learning center) based in Springville where I studied engineering and dabbled in robotics and architecture and completed the engineering Capstone course.
  • Payson High School High School, CAD/general, null 2016 – 2020 Activities and Societies: null ALC (advanced learning center) based in Springville where I studied engineering and dabbled in robotics and architecture and completed the engineering Capstone course.

Other experience

  • Modding Nerf Modded nerf guns to work better and hit harder.
  • 3D Printing Modeled various designs for fun and to fix small problems using my 3D printer.
  • High Efficiency motors Currently studying high efficiency devices and designing a few of my own. Based on tesla designs and various patents.