Global rank:
37,790 / 94,784
Skill pts: 0


  • Manufacturing Engineer bluShift Aerospace · Self-employed May 2016 – Present 8 yrs 10 mos Brunswick, ME, United States At bluShift Aerospace, we design, test, and manufacture a launch platform for small satellites. Our first launch is using the revolutionary hybrid powered Stardust 1.0 Rocket.
  • Founder and Technical Lead MACABItech · Self-employed Jan 2015 – Present 10 yrs 2 mos Cambridge, MA, United States With a focus on design for manufacturing and assembly at every step of the process, ideas become a reality at MACABitech. We provide mechanical design and manufacturing services to the medical, aerospace, and consumer product industries.


  • Boston University College of Engineering Bachelor of Science, Mechanical Engineering 2005 – 2009 Activities and Societies: B.U.S.A.T Satellite Team College of Engineering Machine Shop Assistant