Global rank:
39,103 / 94,791
Skill pts: 0


  • Owner Caldwell Consulting & Design · Self-employed Feb 2021 – Present 4 yrs 1 mos Dallas, TX, United States I just opened my own business specializing in 3D rendering and architectural visualization.
  • Design Engineer inCon-trol Water Systems · Full-time May 2014 – Aug 2020 6 yrs 3 mos McKinney, TX, United States Started in estimation, quickly moved into a design role. Worked as project manager for about a year before I became on of the lead designers for a variety of high profile projects. As one of the lead designers, I was tasked with designing commercial water features, interactive splash pads, and pools in the Dallas - Ft Worth Metroplex. During this time I found 3D modeling and renders instrumental not only during the design process, but also well into construction by providing visualizations for our construction crews and subcontractors.


  • University of North Texas Mechanical & Energy Engineering, Engineering 2008 – 2014

Other experience

  • Water Feature Design Engineer I worked for 6+ years designing commercial water features, splash pads, and pools in the Dallas - Forth Worth Metroplex. I generated construction documents for both installation and permitting purposes. I was the lead designer of the water features of several high profile projects in the area, including but not limited to, Rolex's Dallas headquarters and Dallas Cowboy's The Star in Frisco.