Global rank:
39,446 / 95,043
Skill pts: 0


My background is in construction and joinery which i did for many years, working for and also owning construction and shop-fitting businesses. I have formal qualifications in those fields but there was really no need for me to undertake expensive training with CAD as it was just something I used every day and gained experience with over many years.
I am a requirement driven, self taught designer of mechanical and other objects or assemblies.
I have extensive experience with AutoCAD, fusion360 and other less used cad programs.
I have recently begun prototyping with FDM and traditional manual machining processes as the need arises and I have been surprised how many times I have been able to quickly design, iterate and produce fully functional 3d printed and manually machined parts for specific projects.


Joined: March 14, 2021


United Kingdom