Global rank:
39,825 / 94,342
Skill pts: 0
2D Detailing 2D Technical Drawings CAD Design ZWCAD


Mainly mechanical projects of dam structures.
- Dam gates and all lifting devices
- Cranes
- Pressure Pipes
- Trashracks
- Special manufacturing machines
I can make calculations, drawings and quantities.


  • BARAJ MÜHENDİSİ AYPİ PROJE · Freelance Dec 2009 – Present 15 yrs 2 mos Ankara, Ankara, Turkey Mainly mechanical projects of dam structures.
    - Dam Covers and lifting devices
    - Pressure Pipes
    -Special manufacturing machines
    I can make calculations, drawings and quantities.


  • KIRIKKALE UNİVERSİTESİ 3.20/4.00, M.Eng. Mechanical, MEZUN 2004 – 2008 Activities and Societies: Basketbol ve futbol 2004 yılında başladığım okulu 2008 senesinde 4 senede bitirdim.