Global rank:
45,451 / 95,043
Skill pts: 0


Experience in part fixturing for CMM and testing.
Design Robot End of Arm Tooling (EOAT) on a weekly basis.
Ability to keep the parametric design in mind when creating products that need to work together.
I understand the importance of workflow and keeping the processes efficient yet effective.
Design for the environment and application. The goal is to design efficiently, not over-design.


  • Application Engineer Donald Engineering · Full-time Jan 2020 – Present 5 yrs 2 mos Grand Haven, MI, United States Quote, Design, and Spec out components for industrial and marine applications. Including hydraulic, pneumatic, and electrical systems. Many of these systems are for high force and or high-speed applications that require high degrees of accuracy.
  • Controls Technician GHSP, Inc. · Full-time Jun 2011 – Jan 2020 8 yrs 7 mos Grand Haven, MI, United States Design test equipment and fixtures as a Tier 1 Automotive Supplier. This included fixtures for strength testing, salt fog, environmental, vibration, and other forms of automotive testing.


  • Ferris State University BAS, Industrial Tech and Managment, 3.8 2018 – 2021
  • Muskegon Community College AAS, Electronic Engineering Technology, 3.9 2012 – 2018

Other experience

  • Teacher Assistant Assist is classes dealing with CAD design and PLC programming.