Global rank:
46,632 / 94,598
Skill pts: 0


Mechodal are a multinational company with a team of passionate individuals. The journey started with the dream of four men to create a company providing remarkable designing and IT services and we are here!!

Whatever field Mechodal is serving even today, they have mastered the field even today, a skill that no one can tough, all the Competitors have come or gone in the market, but Mechodal has ever gone today standing.

We are the team of Mechodal, they never felt that they work in an organization, they work every like a family..

Our strength is our trust in Clint, even today if mechodal takes any project, they takes care that the Clint trust remains the same, we do not spoil our image.

Mechhodal has taken on such difficult projects as we thought we would be able to do, and neither of our competitors thought was that we would be complete. We have done many challenging projects which were not easy for us either.