Global rank:
8,357 / 94,841
Skill pts: 1


Education: University of Missouri-Columbia Columbia, MO
Graduation December 2014
Bachelor of Science, Mechanical Engineer GPA: 2.61/4.0 ; MAE GPA: 2.7/4.0

Competencies & Honors:
ENGINR 1110:
3D Modeling (SolidWorks)
3D modeling software (SolidWorks, Autodesk, SolidEdge, SketchUp)
Excellent Practical Intelligence
MAE 3900, 4320, 4900, 4980: Design process based courses
3D Printer Owner; Former Member 3D Printing Club
Varied Knowledges
MAE 3100, 2100, CS 53: Analytical Programing and Code Writing (MatLab, C++)
Windows 7/Vista/XP/2000/98/95
Microsoft Office (Word, PowerPoint, Excel) Html, MatLab
Good “Outside the Box” thinking
MAE 4500, 3200, 4250: Materials and Manufacturing Coursework
Eagle Scout: Troop 200
Attention to Details
MAE 4300, 4320:
Heat Transfer Coursework
MODOT: 3rd Annual Bridge Building Competition: Electronic Competition Winner, and Most Creative Design: 11/09/06
Constantly Seeking more Knowledge


  • Engineering Manager Construction Trailer Specialists · May 2018 – Aug 2019 1 yrs 3 mos Sikeston, MO, USA Responsibility: Produce engineering designs and prints from sales requests, to facilitate trailer construction to with a proper level of safety. Furthermore, to troubleshoot issues, create documentation, give customer support, and produce accounting documents for the facility and provide solutions for future avoidance.
    Produced multiple dump style Semi-truck trailers, to the satisfaction of our customers.
    Worked to correct outdated design and process issues, due to a lack of, or poorly executed, engineering.
    Assisted in monthly documentation overhauls to enable proper accounting.
    Conducted significant design and re-design of multiple trailers, including creation of a derivative product line.
  • CAD Engineer-contract Sargent Construction · Oct 2017 – Mar 2018 5 mos Fredericktown, MO, USA Responsibility: To generate drawings for workers in the field, based on customer and supervisor feedback.
    Used AutoCAD create 3D models of the site, allowing us to generate site plans for the field workers.
    Took measurements and photos to accurately refine 3D models, helping to give an accurate representation.
    Working with purchasing, I worked to generate various solutions for customer’specifications.
  • Design Engineer Manac Trailers USA · Jun 2015 – Sep 2017 2 yrs 3 mos Oran, MO, USA Responsibility: Produce engineering prints from customer requests, to facilitate trailer construction to customer specifications. Furthermore, to troubleshoot issues in the facility and provide solutions for future avoidance.
    Produced multiple flatbed and dump style Semi-truck trailers, to the satisfaction of our customers.
    Conducted Daily facility improvement practices, providing fact based solutions for avoidance of future issues.
    Participated in total re-design of multiple trailers, and lead re-designs of individual trailer components.


  • University of Missouri - Columbia B.S. Mechanical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, 2.7 2007 – 2014 Activities and Societies: HvZ, 2N Tunas, Tunas ultimate frisbee, Spar-tens, IDSA, 3DPC I Started at Missouri S&T; however after elimination of my original major, Interdisciplinary Engineering, I changed majors and changed schools to University of Missouri-Columbia, also known as Mizzou. The degree change caused a loss of credits, grades, and time, creating the need for the transfer. It took 6 semesters at Mizzou for completion, after 8 semesters and some time off at Rolla.

    Coursework for the BSME degree path included the obvious mathematical and science classes. It also included design work in the thermal, mechanical, and general engineering fields. This included a Senior design project in cooperation with a local business where we were able to present 2 prototypes of our design, impressing the judging parties. Finally, 2 CAD courses were included, 1 for NX, and another for SolidWorks. Also, as required credits I took multiple fine arts classes. The fine art classes included sculpture and drawing, allowing better insight into their use in prototyping.

    While at Rolla I assisted in founding, and was an officer in, HvZ for Rolla, IDSA-Rolla chapter, and a political organization which will remain un-named due to it being political in nature.

    Spar-tens (07-08) and 2N Tunas (08-09) were social organizations in the dorms which existed for those years alone.

    At Mizzou I assisted in the founding of 3DPC, a 3D printing club dedicated to expanding the hobby/early adopter level of 3D printing. While we had access to all 4 types of printers (FDM, SLS, Stereo-lithography, and gypsum-binder based) we mainly focused on desktop FDM printers. This is when I came into the possession of my i3 Prusa FDM printer. I also was granted 2 years of access for SolidWorks on my personal computer.

Other experience

  • SketchUp At 18 I acquired an early version of SketchUp and used it for 5-10 years on various personal projects, including a desk for my future office.
  • Hobby Foundry At 16 I began melting and casting Aluminum and other metals in a hobby foundry that I built. While many iterations have occurred, I'm still an owner-operator of a small Foundry. It has a theoretical capacity to melt Cast Iron, but is mainly used for the much lower temperature Aluminum.