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  • Mechanical Design Engineer Galliford Try · Full-time Aug 2017 – Oct 2019 2 yrs 2 mos Stafford, England, United Kingdom I have worked as a Mechanical Engineer within infrastructure, mainly in Waste Water Treatment for the past two years.
    Successfully completed the Bolton-upon-Dearne WWTW, £10mil scheme from start to completion.
    I was responsible for the initial tender of the Inlet Works, Desludging method and washwater Booster Package. I coordinated the design using AutoCAD Plant 3D, Revit and Navisworks.
    On site, I was responsible for finalising and adapting the design to suit conditions.
    I was responsible for managing the mechanical design as well as the civil/Mech/Elec. Interfaces.
    I was the sole CAD resource once the project handed over to the site team.
    Capable of working on multiple projects and self-manage.
    I combine both mechanical engineering with BIM to provide a technical design service.
    Experienced in building relationships with both clients, suppliers and colleagues both in design review meetings and on site.
    I produce hydraulic calculations to validate my piping design.
  • DESIGN TECHNICIAN Laing O'Rourke · Full-time Aug 2016 – Aug 2017 1 yrs Worksop, England, United Kingdom I designed precast concrete products, producing detailed GA’s and manufacturing drawings using CAD.
    I was an integral part of the team and responsible for checking/amending colleague’s drawings.
    I provided training and mentoring to all new staff and helped younger members of the team wherever possible.
    I communicated well with clients and gathered feedback from the team down in the factory and successfully changed design processes resulting in material and cost savings.
    I worked on large projects around the country such as Two-Fifty-One, Oxford Physics Building, South Quays Plaza in London and successfully managed projects through to completion.
  • Assistant Design Engineer Greenlane Biogas · Full-time Jan 2016 – Aug 2016 7 mos Sheffield, England, United Kingdom My job role required strong CAD skills on Solidworks.
    I worked on large plant layout models as well as sub-assemblies and pipe runs.
    I produced 2D and 3D plant layouts as well engineering drawings with BOM's for manufacture.
    Continuous improvement to the design of the plant was essential.
    Modifying the design and layout required good communication skills to feed the information back to the supply chain in an organised manner.
  • Graduate Mechanical & Electrical Site Engineer Laing O'Rourke · Full-time Sep 2015 – Jan 2016 4 mos Worksop, England, United Kingdom I regularly attended site to survey the layout and take accurate measurements.
    Produced initial ideas and sketches and advanced the design to 3D models and 2D drawings using Solidworks.
    I produced improved and efficient ways pf working for a new manufacturing facility, replacing out-dated and inefficient manufacturing processes.
    I gained valuable experience sourcing suppliers and building relationships.


  • Loughborough University MSc Mechanical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Merit 2014 – 2015
  • The University of Hull BSc Product Innovation, Mechanical Design, 2.1 2010 – 2013

Licenses & Certifications