Global rank:
3,224 / 95,291
Skill pts: 9
ANSYS ANSYS Workbench Adobe Photoshop AutoCAD CAD Design CAM CATIA CATIA Design Services NX CAD/CAM/CAE NX Mold Wizard Siemens NX (Unigraphics) SolidWorks SolidWorks 3DEXPERIENCE PLM SolidWorks Edrawing SolidWorks Simulation SolidWorks Simulation SolidWorks eDrawings


Computer -aided design - Autodesk AutoCAD, Dassault systems’Catia v5, Solid works 2018, Siemens NX 12
Computational Analytics - ANSYS Workbench
Computing - MS Office suite and Adobe Photoshop

Projects Handled in Hindustan Aeronautics Limited: “Design and Process Optimization of Tail Rotor Drive Shaft Assembly
of Advance Light Helicopter (ALH) Transmission System”.

Design and development of an American Chopper using SolidWorks, Skill Lync
 Developed a professional mood board, ideation sketches and detailed presentation sketches of a American Chopper in Adobe
 Designed and assembled 13 sub-components such as Chain, Engine sub-assembly, Front & rear wheels, Chassis, Suspension
fork, Gas tank, etc. in SolidWorks Pro
 Rendered the fully assembled American Chopper withadded Environment, added decals, scenes and materials
using PhotoView 360 & SolidWorks Visualize.
Design of Sun seeker Predator Yacht, Skill Lync.
 Setup the blueprint according to the predefined dimension.
 Designed and assembled the yatch of various portions – Hull, Front seat, Garage door, Middle seat, Superstructure, Propeller,
Radar mast in SolidWorks Pro
 Used Photo View 360 & SolidWorks Visualize, rendered theyatch by apply colour, Materials, and entire value like gamma
value & reflection, added camera spot light to view part realistic.
Design of Inner and Outer panel of Hood using NX CAD, Skill Lync.
 Designed the Hood inner panel as per EURONCAP regulation and considered pedestrian safety and passenger safety
standards when frontal crash occur.
 Provided Emboss to improve stiffnessand allow to force dissipated toward the side outward for the driver and frontal
passenger safety.
 Developed the necessary reinforcement and provided latch and striker, mastic data to avoid noise.
Design of Backdoor, Skill Lync.
 Designed the backdoor by two portion of inner and outer panel using NX CAD and Catia V5.
 Designed the back door inner panel with outward stress flow by creating emboss and provided hemming to join inner and
outer panel.
 Developed the necessary reinforcement for gas stay, hinges, wiper motor and provided latch and striker.
Design of Car Front Fender with wheel arc calculation, Skill Lync.
 Designed front fender based on the design data with following portion such as drip area, Bumper mount area, Sill area, cowl
and A-pillar region using NX CAD.
 Ensured the drip area designed as per standard dimensions which is fitted inside the Engine compartment acts as major
mounting region of fender.
 Calculated the wheel arc clearance after design and ensured the design result matches the standard regulation criteria.
Design of Car Roof using NX CAD, Skill Lync.
 Calculated the bow roof position by studying the roof curvature dimension for heat distortion criteria and snowed criteria.
 Ensured the heat distortion test and snowed test result passes as per standard.
 Designed the front roof rail, rear roof rail, centre roof rail & centre bow roof rail, and with necessary reinforcement.
Design of Casing and Box assembly, Skill Lync.
 Designed the Enclosure, Metal Bracket, flattening and forming the sheet using NX CAD.
 Used different method to design flange, bead, cut out and convert wizard from solid to sheet metal.
 Used unbend and rebend to check whether the sheet metal generated properly.
Value Engineering in Air tank and Distributed Drying Unit mounting System, Ashok Leyland Ltd, Chennai (2013)
 Developed and modified of air tank and Dryer and Distribution Unit mounting system in Heavy Duty vehicles to full fill the
pneumatic pressure properly.
 After the modification, pressure reduction in Air tank and Dryer and Distribution Unit were reduced. Also the mounting stress
can be analysed using Ansys and Solid works in the mounting bracket of Air tank and DDU System.


  • Engineer – Executive Paracoat Products Ltd · Full-time Feb 2018 – Present 7 yrs 1 mos Bengaluru, KA, India Improved in productivity, detailed development of automotive interior and exterior parts of acoustics, vibration, NVH such as
    sound deadeners, floor and roof insulation.
     Involved in Product development process & handling new design projects of interior and exterior trims using NX Ensured overall Plant
    layered audit as per Specific ofSystem, Workstation and Processes.
     Involved in Geometric Tolerance on automotive drawings.
  • GT – Engineer Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd · Full-time May 2015 – Jun 2016 1 yrs 1 mos Bengaluru, KA, India Designed and detailed development of in-house machinery and ground test components.
     Recognized user of CATIA V5 modelling software, creating large models and co-ordinated design work with local resources.
     Managed, modified the issue of part drawings and new improvement changes in various part models of all rotor shafts and
    accessories using NX, AutoCAD design Processes.
     Projects Handled in Hindustan Aeronautics Limited: “Design and Process Optimization of Tail Rotor Drive Shaft Assembly
    of Advance Light Helicopter (ALH) Transmission System”
  • Graduate Engineer Trainee Tenneco Automotive India Pvt Ltd · Full-time Oct 2013 – Feb 2015 1 yrs 4 mos Hosur, TN, India Coordinated in design, analysed of damper in assemble section. Involved in routine development of damper while observed
    damping issues.
     Performed in quality inspection activitiesofShock-absorber productivity problems.


  • Masters Certification Program in Design Masters, Masters Certification Program in Design 2019 – 2019
  • ANNA UNIVERSITY,Chennai BE, Mechanical Engineering, , 8.27 2009 – 2013
  • DesikaVinayagarDevasthanam Higher Secondary School HSC, HSC, 75 2007 – 2009

Licenses & Certifications


Joined: March 27, 2020


English Full professional proficiency

Hindi Professional working proficiency


Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India