Global rank:
32,161 / 94,841
Skill pts: 0


-Outgoing professional that is highly motivated to learn and has a passion for design
-University of California, Irvine (B.S. in Mechanical Engineering)
-Experience designing automated equipement
-Simulation skills to see if a product will work before building
-Prototyping expert
-Manufacturing experience
-Simplistic Design to allow for cheaper manufacturing
-Material selection expertise


  • Automation Design Engineer Applied Medical · Full-time Aug 2018 – Present 6 yrs 7 mos Rancho Santa Margarita, CA, United States I currently design automated equipment ranging from table top equipment to machines that carry a variety of equipment and sensors to accomplish different tasks. This includes machines that have vibratory equipment for part feeding, sensors, motors, robots (Denso mainly), and many more features. The size of the project always depends on the budget that the customer has and the complexity of the task that they want to accomplish.


  • University of California Irvine BS, Mechanical Engineering, 3.1 2014 – 2018 Activities and Societies: BAJA Great school that taught me all the theoretical and hands on information necessary for me to thrive in the engineering world.

Other experience

  • BAJA SAE, DRIVETRAIN LEAD, 2016-2018 Managed a group of 6+ students in order to fulfill certain goals. The primary objective of a BAJA competition is to make a vehicle for a fictitious
    manufacturer with data to back up our design choices. Our choices have to be justified as thoroughly as possible and we must include an in-depth budget with reasoning for all purchasing decisions made. Placed 20th overall last year which, is the highest placement in the history of Baja at the University of California, Irvine.