Global rank:
34,238 / 95,923
Skill pts: 0
3D Design 3D Modeling 3D Modeling for Games 3D Printer Service 3D Printing Design 3D Printing Modeling 3D Prop Model Design Autodesk Fusion 360 Autodesk Inventor CAD Design Game 3D Design


Hi, i'm a student who is an expert on FDM 3D printing and has game modeling experience. I have designed entire 3D printers and 3D printer components, as well as lots of deisgn to be 3D printed. I have worked on enviroment models for games, product demonstrations, product prototypes and basic mechanisms.

Other experience

  • Game enviroment modeler I designed enviroments and props for videogames and 3D visualisations
  • 3D printer designer I designed, built and assembled parts for 3D printers and whole 3D printers.