Global rank:
46,034 / 94,912
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2D Apartment Building 2D Plans and Elevations 3D Modeling Architectural CAD Design AutoCAD AutoCAD Mechanical Blender Civil Engineering Design Coordination FreeCAD Google Docs LibreCAD Machine Design Machine Drawings Mechanical 3D Design Photo Editing Photo-Vectorization Sheet Metal Design Structural Design Welded Assemblies


Design Engineer, with a large experience in the engineering design sector, with an emphasis on the development of aircraft structures. I worked mainly in the development and of metalic structures and mechanisms, machined, extruded and sheet metal parts as well as some experience with composite materials.
I worked in the structural design of several Embraer programs, from the ALX-314 (Super-tucano), the EMB-170E1, Legacy-500, to the C-390 Millenium and others. I coordinated several projects, with emphasis on the design of the KC-390 Cargo Ramp, when I also developed its mechanism.
In addition to the aeronautical sector, I worked with projects for the automotive sector (trucks), flood gates for hydroelectric plants, sanitation and irrigation systems.
Graduated in Civil Engineering and Mechanical Technician, with Specialization (specialization) in Aeronautical Engineering.
Advanced knowledge in 3D modeling, Catia V5, AutoCAD, Solidworks, MSOffice and MSProject, ERP SAP, JIRA, and GD&T. Knowledge and experience in agile management and predictive project management methodologies.


  • Design Consultant LHColus Tecnologia · Freelance Apr 2021 – Present 3 yrs 11 mos São José dos Campos, SP, Brazil - Design of metallic structures and mechanisms;
    - Design of VANT structural testing rig;
    - Composite molds design and support to production.
  • Design Consultant DESAER Desenvolvimento Aeronáutico · Freelance Oct 2020 – Jan 2021 3 mos São José dos Campos, SP, Brazil Conceptual development of ATL-100 Aft Fuselage and Cargo Ramp.
  • Product Development Engineer EMBRAER · Full-time Jul 2017 – Sep 2020 3 yrs 2 mos São José dos Campos, SP, Brazil C-390 Millenium Program:
    - Support for manufacturing and assembly team;
    - Non-conformities corrections during the manufacture and assembly of the aircraft structure;
    - Monitoring and updating the design non-conformity backlog for all aircraft systems, aiming at its resolution in all areas of the design;
    - Roo-cause analysis and correction of design non-conformities of the Forward and Aft Fuselages, reducing their incidence to almost zero;
    - Development in CATIA V5 of design improvements and corrections for the Forward and Aft Fuselages structures;
    - Generation of Change Requests and Engineering Orders to update the structural design;
    - Analysis of the impact of design changes with multidisciplinary teams, negotiation of deadlines, and strategies for their implementation during aircraft manufacturing.
  • Product Development Engineer Aernnova Aerospace · Full-time Aug 2010 – May 2017 6 yrs 9 mos São José dos Campos, SP, Brazil 2011 – 2017, C-390 Millenium Program:
    - Conceptual development of the Crew Door, contributing significantly to the company's approval for the next phase (definition phase) of the project;
    - Development of the cargo ramp mechanism;
    - Project management of the Cargo Door and Cargo Ramp projects in the definition phase;
    - Acted as the project liaison between the company and the client during the detailing phase;
    - Development of monitoring/controlling tool and team leader for drawings releasing at Embraer;
    - Design of wing and fuselage modifications during the sustaining phase;

    2010: Embraer Legacy-500:
    - Coordination of design teams among Brazil, Spain and the USA during the structure fuselage and wing structure detailing phase.
    - Orientation of the design team in Spain.
  • Design Consultant LHColus Tecnologia · Freelance Jan 2009 – Aug 2010 1 yrs 7 mos São José dos Campos, SP, Brazil Design consultancy for small aircrafts structural modifications and repairs.
  • Design Engineer Akaer Engenharia · Full-time May 1998 – Mar 2010 11 yrs 10 mos São José dos Campos, SP, Brazil 2008-2010, Embraer, Legacy-500, Rear Fuselage:
    - Detailing phase planning (schedule and costs);
    - Detailed control of the fuselage structure weight, in order to identify opportunities for weight relief to improve the aircraft's center of gravity;
    - Definition of interface control documents for junctions with central fuselage and tail cone;
    - Development of the fire wall and pressurization bulkhead ring;
    - Development in CATIA V5 of different solutions for the fuselage cross-section in order to find the best balance among calculation, manufacture and weight.

    2008, Embraer, EMB-190-PR (Presidential Airplane):
    - Design of fuselage and wing-box structure modifications, in CATIA V4, for new systems installation;
    - Development of the new cargo compartment structure.

    2008, Embraer, EMB-190:
    - Wing manufacturing non-conformities corrections.

    2007: Embraer Lineage-1000: Project management during the definition and detailing of the EMB-190 aircraft structure reconfiguration to include new systems and an additional fuel tank.
    2006: Embraer ALX-Colombia: Modification of wing and fuselage structures for new defense systems.
    2005 - 2006: Volkswagen Trucks: Project management in the development and detailing of structural components for trucks (chassis, longerons, exhaust system).
    1999 - 2004: Embraer EMB-170, 190 & 195: Conception and detailing of the Fuselage Central I and Central II structures. Design of the fuselage cross section, defining its typical section, as well as fuselage junctions.
    1998 - 1999: Embraer ALX-314: Detailing of wing and fuselage structural components.
  • Mechanical Designer Engemec · Full-time Sep 1997 – May 1998 8 mos São José dos Campos, SP, Brazil Development of flood gates for hydroelectric plants, irrigation, and sanitation systems.


  • UNITAU - Universidade de Taubaté Specialist Degree, Aeronautical Engineering 2009 – 2011
  • UNIVAP - Universidade do Vale do Paraíba Bachelor Degree, Civil Engineering 2003 – 2007
  • Technology School Everardo Passos ETEP Technical Certificate , General Mechanic Design 1989 – 1992


Age: 52

Joined: December 18, 2021

Last seen: July 4, 2022

Area of Expertise
Aerospace Engineering Construction Drawings 3D Modeling General Design Home Design Gadgets Design DIY Design Design & Drafting Commercial Drafting General CAD Drafting Mechanical Drafting Civil Drafting Services Industrial Design Services Concept Design Engineering Design 3D Design Services CAD Drawing Services 2D to 3D Conversion Services Prototype Design Services Reverse Engineering AutoCAD Drafting & Design Sheet Metal Design Fabrication Drawings Services Image to CAD Conversion Services AutoCAD Design Services CATIA Design Services 3D Architectural Modeling 3D Models of Machine Parts Design Engineering Services 2D CAD Drafting Services Assembly Drawing Services Prototype Design Engineering Structural Steel Detailing Architectural Drawing Services Structural Design Services AutoCAD Drawing Services CAD Drafting Services Machine Drawing Services Paper to CAD Conversion Mechanical Design Services Metal Design and Fabrication 2D CAD Design Services Architectural 3D Modeling Mechanical CAD Design 3D CAD Translation Services Manufacturing Drawings Paper to AutoCAD Conversion 3D Product Demo 3D Product Modeling Product Engineering Services 2D to 3D Modeling Architectural Detailing Services Isometric Drawing Services Architectural Planning and Design 2D Drawings and Floor Plans Architectural Drafting Services Design for Assembly Services Mechanical Drawing Services Design for Manufacturing and Assembly DFM Services Design for Manufacturability (DFM Services) Drafting and Design Services


Portuguese Native or bilingual proficiency

English Full professional proficiency

Spanish Full professional proficiency


Sao Jose dos Campos, Sгo Paulo, Brazil