
  • Lab Researcher / Mechanical Designer University of Miami Oncology Robotics Lab · Self-employed Jan 2019 – Present 5 yrs 11 mos Miami, FL, United States - Responsible for design, manufacturing, and simulation of a multi-variable curvature surgical needle for brain tumor ablation.

    - Created initial dynamic analysis using forward kinematics in MATLAB.

    - Performed FEA simulations for both nonlinear and linear static/dynamic analysis in Solidworks Simulation Premium and ANSYS Workbench.

    - Using a combination of 3D printing and CAM to produce mechanical components.
  • Mechanical Design Intern GM Cruise Automation · Full-time May 2019 – Aug 2019 3 mos Pasadena, CA, United States - Designed parts for LIDAR lasers to be used for thermal mitigation of electronic components.

    - Used Solidworks Premium Simulation and Flow Simulation to perform Thermal FEA (Finite Element Analysis) and CFD on the LIDAR electronics.

    - Performed thermal experiments to corroborate and bolster simulation data.

    - Collaborated with vendors and manufacturers to get parts made or ordered.
  • Mechanical Engineering Intern OEWaves Inc. · Full-time Jan 2017 – Aug 2017 7 mos Pasadena, CA, United States - Assisted engineers and technicians in assembling products to be sold to a multitude of companies and research institutions according to their specifications, including DARPA, SpaceX, and MIT.

    - Helped run tests, perform quality control, manage inventory, and assist engineers in their day to day work on radio frequency and optical oscillators.

    - Designed and modeled a variety of amplifier configurations for LIDAR sensors using Solidworks.

    - Created orthographic drawings and instructions utilized by technicians to build the amplifiers. The drawings were also used in presentations to Lockheed Martin.


  • University of Miami BS, Mechanical Engineering 2016 – 2020