Global rank:
36,753 / 96,235
Skill pts: 0


My strengths are the mechanical design and the manufacturing process. I desgin your project the best way.


  • INTEGRATION AND CALCULATION ENGINEER ADELTE · Full-time Oct 2019 – Aug 2020 10 mos undefined, Spain I am in charge of integrating and calculating the resistance of the boarding platforms for ports of the Adelte company. Among my duties is designing the transport, loading, lifting, assembly and tuning plans of the platforms with specific details for the works in the port with Solid Edge. In addition, I am in charge of the complete mechanical calculation of the structure with Tricalc and the design mechanical strength check of other mechanical design equipment with Tricalc and with the finite element module of Solid Edge. I also design new components that are not standardized.
  • MECHANICAL DESIGN ENGINEER SKY CLIMBER · Full-time Mar 2016 – Mar 2019 3 yrs undefined, Spain I am in charge of designing and calculating the BMUs of the SkyClimber company. I have worked designing and organizing the manufacturing plans for the facade maintenance equipment. Among my functions I have created the design of the machines using AutoCAD, I have calculated the components using self-made spreadsheets and Solidworks and I have designed the manufacturing drawings of the special components. I have also written calculation reports for Europe and the United States. In addition, I was in charge of organizing the creation of the manufacturing drawings with the drafting team through a team management tool.


  • Politécnica Madrid Mechanical engineering, Engineering 2011 – 2016