Global rank:
34,680 / 94,912
Skill pts: 0
Altair Hypermesh Altair SimSolid AutoCAD Autodesk Inventor Autodesk Nastran In-CAD CATIA CorelDRAW Fortran Programming Inventor Nastran KnuckleBoom Crane Machinery Design MATLAB Mechanical Engineer Mechanical Engineering Mobile Cranes NASTRAN Product Design SolidWorks Special Equipment Design Transmission Components




We are a company dedicated to services in the area of mechanical engineering, working with industrial machinery design, product development and structural analysis. We have over 15 years of experience in product design and technical knowledge acquired in industry and academia over the years.


We help with the transformation of an existing product or the creation of a new one. Research for innovation, combined with the goal of keeping costs down, enables the creation of a more competitive product.
- We work in partnership with your engineering in machinery and equipment design;
- We help you develop your product with confidentiality;
- We support your company in the conceptual phase of product development;
- We do structural analysis using numerical analysis;
- We design and calculate hydraulic components.

Numerical analysis services are performed using commercial tools based on the Finite Element Method (FEM), Open source tools and internally developed codes.

Analyses we can do:
- Static - linear and non-linear
- Modal analysis, frequency response and PSD
- Flambagem
- Fatigue

Crane analysis:

- Structural analysis of cranes (Forest cranes, Knuckleboom crane and aerial device) following requirements of EN 13001 (part 1, 2 and 3);
- Structural analysis of lifting devices following current standards;
- Structural analysis of construction cranes.


  • Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul Master Degree, Mechanical (Solid Mechanics), A 1st 2017 – 2020 Activities and Societies: Area of concentration: solid mechanics Year: 2017 – 02/2020 Subjects covered: - Mechanical Vibrations - Finite Elements - Introduction to Computer Plasticity - Special Topics in Solid Mechanics - Micromechanics - Calculation of Variations with Engineering Applications Dynamics - Solid Mechanics I - Matrix Methods Thesis
    Implementation of a version of the eXtended elements method (XFEM). This method allows a significant improvement in fracture modeling and evaluation, allowing an analysis of finite elements without the need to alter the mesh with the crack propagation, thus making the crack geometrically independent, or at least less dependent on the mesh. The discontinuity present in the elements, due to the existence of the crack, is described through the enrichment of the conventional finite element approximation functions. This method enables both the study of stationary cracking and crack propagation analysis.
  • University of Caxias do Sul Bacharelor of mechanical engineering, Mechanical Engineering, A 1st 2008 – 2015 Activities and Societies: - Participation in the aerodesign project at the University of Caxias do Sul from 2013 to 2014.

Other experience

  • - Master's dissertation on Crack Analysis using the XFEM/GFEM method.
    - 16 years of experience in product development using CAD tools.
    - Experience in manufacturing processes (machining, welding and assembly).
    - Product development, checking manufacturing process, cost and economic viability.
    - Conceptual design, hydraulic design and manual calculations in structural analysis.
  • Work and study english language at Adelaide city of Australia - Work and Study in Adelaide Australia from September 2016 to March 2017.
    - General English at Kaplan School, 20 weeks long.


Joined: August 4, 2020

Area of Expertise
Aerospace Engineering Automotive Design Machine Design 3D Printing Design Oil & Gas 3D Modeling General Design General CAD Drafting Mechanical Drafting Packaging Design Concept Design Engineering Design Mechanical Engineering Structural Engineering New Invention Development Homeware Design Hourly Services Medical Devices Design Spacecraft Tutoring Yacht & Marine Carbon Fiber Composite Patent Search Utility Patent Services Design Patent Services Patent Drawings The Patent Cooperation Treaty Drone Design 3D Design Services Open Innovation Internet of Things (IoT) Pet Product Design Prosthetics Design 2D to 3D Conversion Services Prototype Design Services Reverse Engineering FEA Finite Element Analysis SolidWorks Design Services AutoCAD Drafting & Design Sheet Metal Design Fabrication Drawings Services 3D Solid Modeling SolidWorks Engineering Services AutoCAD Design Services CATIA Design Services Part-to-CAD Modeling 3D Models of Machine Parts Design Engineering Services 2D CAD Drafting Services Assembly Drawing Services Assembly Modeling Services Prototype Design Engineering Contract Drafting Services AutoCAD Conversion Services AutoCAD Drawing Services CAD Drafting Services Machine Drawing Services CAD Drawing Standardization Exercise Equipment Design Paper to CAD Conversion Mechanical Design Services Metal Design and Fabrication 2D CAD Design Services Mechanical CAD Design 3D CAD Translation Services Manufacturing Drawings CAD Redrafting and Conversion Services CAD Design File Validation Paper to AutoCAD Conversion 3D Product Demo 3D Product Modeling Product Engineering Services 2D to 3D Modeling Marine Engineering Design Services Isometric Drawing Services Packaging Concept Design Design for Assembly Services Mechanical Drawing Services Design for Manufacturing and Assembly Design for Additive Manufacturing


English Professional working proficiency

Spanish Limited working proficiency

Portuguese Native or bilingual proficiency


Caxias do Sul, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil