I am specialist engineer with Makhina Robotics Company in Turkey, Istanbul. I
received my bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering from the Yildiz Technical
University at Istanbul in 2014. I began working as senior design engineer in the
defense industry with Repkon Machine Company in 2014. During the past five years i
have focused making innovative design for mobile robots. I work over the past five
years can be summarized as covering the following subjects:
- the design and evaluation of mobile robot system behaviors on load
- the investigation of static structural and dynamic analysis for mobile robots
- the design and application of mobile robot damper systems
- the design of mobile robot techniques and technologies for steering models
Also we authored several peer-reviewed articles on mobile robots and participate at a
lot of conferences during the past two years as a team in Makhina Robotics.
“No assign without design.”
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Yıldız Technical University
2.53, Mechanical construction
2009 – 2014