I'm passionate about product design with extreme imagination and a deep love of problem solving.
I was born an artist - trained as an engineer. I have the imagination and technical expertise to make things real.
WesTech Engineering, Inc. · Full-time
Jul 2011 –
13 yrs 8 mos
Salt Lake City, UT, United States
Currently employed as a senior level designer working on products and solutions in the clean water industry.
All Metals Fabrication, Inc. · Part-time
Nov 2008 –
Jul 2011
2 yrs 8 mos
Ogden, UT, United States
Employed as a draftsman. Worked on industrial and architectural products ranging walkways & stair cases to exterior paneling to kitchen fixtures.
Weber State University
Design Graphics Engineering Technology, Product Design/ Manufacturing
2007 – 2011
Other experience
Graphic Design
Including Adobe software products (Illustrator/ Photoshop) as well as Procreate.
Logo design, marketing materials, etc.
3D organic modelling
Including Zbrush, 3DS Max, Nomad software applications with particular professional level understanding of human anatomy, movement, and variation.
3D printing
Including FDM and SLA processes and a firm understanding of how to design for each.