Global rank:
36,294 / 94,912
Skill pts: 0
3D Assembly Drawings 3D Modeling and Analysis Adobe Photoshop Autodesk Fusion 360 Automation Engineering CAD Design DFMEA Design Drafting and Detailing GD&T Drawing Image Rendering Material Cost Estimation Material Handling Equipment Material Selection Pneumatic System Design Product Concept Development Product Design Ideation Product Development Sketching New Products Solar PV System Design SolidWorks


Experienced in complex machine design for automation and electromechanical applications.

Strong understanding of pneumatic, hydraulic, and electronic systems.

Focus on packaging excellent functionality in an elegant form.

Designs with manufacturing and assembly in mind.


  • Mechanical Engineer Roto · Full-time Jan 2019 – Present 6 yrs 2 mos Columbus, OH, United States I invent, design, prototype, and build complex interactive mechanisms for amusement parks and museum attractions.


  • Miami University Bachelors Degree, Mechanical Engineering 2013 – 2017

Other experience

  • Solar Power Product Design I have an interest in renewable energy and helping to take products off of the grid. Because of this, I have worked on multiple solar powered products. These include the solar power system for a remote controlled airplane and the pump system for a water slide. Both functioned exceptionally well and were built for under $300.


Joined: October 18, 2020

Area of Expertise


English Native or bilingual proficiency


Denver, CO, United States