Lethality Engineer
Modern Technology Solutions, Incorporated · Full-time
Jul 2018 –
6 yrs 8 mos Huntsville, AL, United States
I coordinate the execution of hydrodynamic and hydrostructural analyses, manage the design of high-fidelity scaled targets for hypervelocity impact testing, and perform system-level performance assessment for a prominent Government customer.
Mechanical Engineer
Raytheon Technologies · Full-time
May 2014 –
Jul 2018
4 yrs 2 mos Tucson, AZ, United States
I performed various job functions including static and dynamic structural analysis, blank page design and modeling, drafting, configuration management, retrograde of legacy designs, production management, test design and execution, inspection, failure investigation, root cause analysis, and prototype fabrication.
Carnegie Mellon University
Bachelor of Science, MECHANICAL EGINEERING, 3.72
2011 – 2015
Activities and Societies:
Pi Tau Sigma Engineering Honor Society
Particle Flow and Tribology Research Assistant
Chemical Engineering Laboratory Assistant
Solar Boat Team
Varsity Football Team
Resident Assistant
I lettered on the varsity football team all four years of my undergraduate study, held three jobs simultaneously, and participated in numerous extracurricular activities. I helped start a sustainable trucking company called Hyliion during my senior year and provided extensive design, modeling, and hardware fabrication support. The company has since grown based on my initial design work, and has taken products to market.